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How to wear the stylish bordeaux bag


Whether we want to glow with refinement in elegant outfits or overflow with confidence dressed in casual comfy clothing pieces, we cannot go out without being accompanied by the perfect accessories that can truly embellish our unique style. The bordeaux bag made of natural leather impresses with the imposing shade of dark red of its fine texture while offering a feminine air to any outfit. In order to make an inspired choice it’s essential to make harmonious color combos and this is why we suggest you discover bellow what are the colors with which you can gracefully match the bordeaux shade of your precious purse; you will definitely create an amazing effect next to the ideal refined colors.

bordeaux bags

The bordeaux purse and majestic black

The timeless elegance is wonderfully captured when we combine the bordeaux shade of out leather bag with the sumptuous black of our evening dresses. The Tiffany bordeaux bag can be easily paired with the elegant outfits we wear for special events; among the lade embroideries, the silky romantic veils colored in black, this luxury accessory will delicately stand out, highlighting the sensuality of your silhouette. The bordeaux shade combines perfectly with the graceful Nappa leather texture of this dark red purse. Wear it next to red high heels and you’ll catch all eyes.

White outfits and Bordeaux bags

The classic white dresses with floral prints or those modern ones with geometric shapes are complemented by precious accessories in Bordeaux shades. Thus the Scarlett mini Bordeaux bag can be a wonderful choice when you wish to wear white apparel; you will create a seductive contrast that will reflect your mysterious allure. This luxury leather purse combines the refined dark red with the majestic white, making you enjoy an impeccable look.

Nude clothes next to bags colored in Bordeaux

Combine the nude color of your feminine office blouses with the charming shade of the Grace Nuvo boredeaux bag from Wild Inga’s new collection. The modern design of this leather purse colored in a graceful cherry shade goes well with office outfits due to the fact that its outstanding simplicity can balance the sophisticated look of your clothing items. The Grace Bordeaux purse distinguishes itself through its amazing color as well as its croc texture. For chic casual look you can choose nude skirts with metallic effects and comfy tops paired with this red leather bag.

Wild Inga has created a superb collection of Bordeaux bags next to which you will enjoy exquisite experiences; get inspired by the latest color trends and match these colorful accessories in Bordeaux shades with elegant or casual dresses. You can always customize your favorite Wild Inga purse by choosing one of our special messages or you can create one of your own.

Published of Mihaela Titirisca
to 22 Jun 2017