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How to wear nude leather bags


The most beautiful day in which we passionately celebrate the feminine power and beauty has finally come. And how else can we spread joy around us unless we wear the perfect leather bags that outline our elegance and femininity? The nude leather bags are the ideal choice when preparing yourself for going out to rejoice next to the loved ones in this special day of spring; your outfit will definitely be in the spotlight in this way, regardless of the clothes you are wearing.

A delicate look: the elegant nude bags

Spring has brought us fresh trends meant to highlight the sensitive side of the powerful modern woman. This year the international designers have put an effort into diminishing the fame of the masculine style while dwelling on the necessity of a more feminine style. They have brought into light the burst of joyful colors that create a dynamic image, characterized by good vibes. Thus the Primrose yellow along with the pastel and neon yellow of delicate dresses have shined during the fashion presentations. For those of you who want to avoid creating a high contrast, the Lauren Nuvo nude bag is the perfect accessory; its pale shade will offer you a seductive and gentle allure especially if you are wearing an aerial outfit.

Extravagant outfits with nude leather bags

New fashion collection distinguish themselves from the former ones through the extravagance of their precious pieces, of their charming fabrics and colors that blend harmoniously, making us think about the vintage style which can always be a source of inspiration when trying to get a romantic look. Although the fringe dresses can sometimes seem a little bit excessive, they can make wonders when going to special event. The Lauren nude leather bag goes together perfectly with this kind of outfit, dazzling with the delicacy  of its fine texture with croco effect and its gracious shape.

Small bags and bulky outfits

The immense details of elegant tops and dresses can represent a bold choice when it comes to wearing this type of clothing to a simple date or even to a special event. Despite the fact that it will be difficult to get used to outfits with oversized pieces, in time you will find in them an opportunity to get rid of the monotonous elegant look with which we are all so familiar. An alternative to the nude bag is the corai leather purse, next to which a maxi outfit won’t seem so eccentric. By wearing our Lauren Nuvo corai bag you will see that it will accentuate your superb bulky look, reminding you of styles from the glorious past. This wonderful accessory will create you a mysterious air which will intrigue everyone.

You can pair the Lauren Nuvo new model of  leather bag with endless outfits while being inspired by the new fashion trends that have become famous. Next to a Wild Inga nude bag you will certainly shine, especially on this wonderful day. Happy Women’s Day!

Published of Mihaela Titirisca
to 08 Mar 2017