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How to wear unusual leather bags


When we choose the right leather bag for us, obviously, we take into consideration many things, but then again and there are a lot of fashionistas that face some other difficulties, those regarding the way they pair their unconventional purses with the rest of the outfit. Wild Inga provides you with some splendid outfit ideas even if you are wearing an unusual bag that is hard to combine at first sight. One possible choice is the Scarlett luxury bag in silver shades that can be mixed with elegant clothing pieces such as a midi, fabulous dress or a tight refined outfit. This accessory is made of leather entirely and this is one of the reasons it looks so good; besides its superb texture, its resistance makes this bag a wonderful accessory that can be worn day after day without any trouble, even more seasons in a row.

Its design is one the most captivating elements that impresses with its modern, urban and chic air meant to complement any office, casual or elegant outfit. The details are the ones that makes it truly remarkable, while the detachable strap makes it more versatile and practical, offering the flexibility to carry it with you to different activities and even special events. The pleasant fine texture and the pyramidal shaped details can please the most exigent modern women.

Elegance with the Scarlett leather bags

However those of you who wish to really impress others should choose the Scarlett leather purse with pink ruffles designed to captivate with their delicacy and uniqueness. The curves strap handle is the key item of this leather bag’s design, as it will definitely catch all eyes especially if you pair this accessory with jewelry colored in the same intense shades. The fuchsia and blue colors can we combine in a lot of ways, while the urban details are perfect for an extravagant outfit.

Practical leather purses with a fresh design

Both leather accessories are very practical as they have both interior and exterior pockets that allow you to carry around different precious things such as keys, cosmetics and other essential items; the generous size of these pockets combined with the modern design make these leather purses precious elements that should always have a special place in your wardrobe. Moreover, the quality leather from which they were made makes them resistant, offering you the desired comfort.

In other words, Wild Inga designers have created a splendid collection of unusual leather purses that can satisfy any taste, but most importantly they have been created to turn your outfit into amazing apparel. Easy to pair and to carry around, these leather bags will definitely be there for you during the most cherished moments.

Published of Mihaela Titirisca
to 13 May 2017

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