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How to wear white bags with all-white outfits


The minimalist, monochromatic outfits always inspire a certain kind of charm if you know how to pair them with the right accessories. When you wear such an outfit that evokes elegance and sophistication, all eyes will definitely be on your refined style and bold attitude with which you make extravagant combos. White bags can get rid of the monotony of your all-white clothing items due to their modern design with romantic accents which captures perfectly the femininity of your fresh look. Wild Inga has created a remarkable collection of purses colored in imposing shades of white meant to complement your captivating allure when you are completely dressed in white.

white bags

White purses with floral embroideries

The accessories which are manually embroidered with precious floral details impress with their delicacy and feminine grace especially if you pair them with monochromatic outfits. The Melanie white bags with splendid floral embroideries complement in a wonderful way you all-white clothes, offering them a charming feminine air that will make you get easily noticed. Wear this white purse next to a loose blouse and a tight skirt so as to get an amazing elegant look this summer. Its delicate embroidery was created so as to captivate with its originality and also with its dreamy accents.

Leather clutches colored in suave white shades

So as to make a bold combination that can draw attention to your passion for beauty and fashion, pair your favorite clutch with an elegant day outfit; it doesn’t have to be a special event for you to wear a refined clutch. The Sofia white bag has a contemporary, slightly avant-garde design that was specially created to overcome indecision when looking for the perfect accessory for your all-white outfit. Its fine snakeskin texture highlights the refinement of the other clothing items for you to enjoy the admiration of all.

White bags decorated with abstract shapes

If you wish to wear all-white outfits with an eccentric modern look, you can always choose accessories with an abstract design that will definitely catch all eyes. The Melanie white bags with abstract details colored in a golden khaki are exactly those precious pieces you need so as to outline the beauty of your elegant outfit. This remarkable print will turn your all-white pieces into distinguished, majestic apparel due to the beautiful contrast it creates with the refined white shade as well as to the unusual shapes that decorate the Melanie luxury purse.

Wild Inga’s designers have created a chic collection of white leather bags so as to offer you exquisite experiences regardless of the outfits you wear. Next to these luxury purses you will certainly get a glam look; don’t forget that you can customize any time you want your beloved bag by choosing a special message, the colors and also texture you want you ladies accessory to have.

Published of Mihaela Titirisca
to 07 Jun 2017

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